Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Back in Santa Maria

I arrived back in Santa María to discover my parents and in-laws had both sent me packages...hooray for sweaters and long underwear!!! Especially since the cold in Santa María is such a different cold than the cold you feel nearer the ocean. It's more tolerable there. So thanks, family.

They also sent me a mountain of Reece's Peanutbutter Cups, and contrary to what I thought, everyone seems to like them (Diego, I was right--they ARE delicious!!! And Chileans like them! Ha!) I've been giving them away to my students as we play weather bingo in class. After they learn the vocabulary I'm going to teach them the song "Umbrella" by Rihanna. They should like that.

After I came home on Sunday my host mom and I went to San Felipe with my host mom's brother, his wife and son to wander through the plaza. San Felipe is celebrating the anniversary of its founding, and there are artesan booths galore, music blaring and people bustling all over. The city is celebrating more than 250 years of existence--it's even older than the U.S.

On our way home we had a hare controversy--a rabbit was trying to cross the road, and Edith's brother swerved to hit it as a joke, but he ended up killing it. Oof, there was drama! His wife was crying, upset that we had killed a living thing without needing to, the son was noticeably shaken, all the while the father is trying to defend himself that he hadn't tried to kill the hare, it was an accident. We stopped to inspect the damage, and the rabbit was picked up and placed bleeding in the trunk. I don't know what they ended up doing with it.

It's good to be back in Santa María, but my time here is about at its end. I'm sad to face leaving, I've had so many good experiences and met so many new friends. I will, however, be glad to get back to the heat of the last bit of summer.