Sunday, June 24, 2007

Greetings from Santa Maria!

It´s been a minute since I´ve written, but it´s been a minute since I´ve had internet access. But here I am finally with a new entry to my blog.

We arrived in Santa Maria only to discover that instead of temperatures in the 50´s and 60´s that were promised us, we are experiencing an unusually cold winter--global warming at it´s finest. In the day time we´re in the 30´s, maybe 40´s if the sun is out, so you can imagine the nights.

There is no central heating in any house in rural Chile. For that, you have to go to a restaurant or church (thank goodness I found the church building and attended today). In my house we have two portable gas heaters (called stoves here), and they don´t turn them on until later in the day. I wake up and spend my mornings seeing my breath, and it´s usually much colder inside than it is outside. Those of you who know me know how much I hate being cold. Apparently now I have to get over myself and "acostumbrarme". For a while we had only one "estufa", but my madre decided that because the winter was so terribly cold we should buy another one. To take a shower with hot water you have to light the gas in the kitchen (which almost never works in the morning). There will be no heat in the school either--teachers and students go around "abrigados".

Tomorrow is my first day of school. The director is preparing a big all-school welcome and has been practicing our names for days. I will have internet access there, so I will post again very soon and let you know what it´s like to teach in Chile.

I´ve complained alot in this post, but really I´m still amazed that I´m even here. My, my getting better by the day. I will write again soon.

¡Hasta pronto!


Anonymous said...

Remember to send your address ASAP so we can send some warmer clothes to you... hope they will get there before you leave. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you've been out sight-seeing this week-end. Are you enjoying the custumes of the country? Hope the people are being acceptive even if the children have problems. Will write more later. Mom